Mahatma Gandhi also known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2nd 1869 and died on January 30 , 1948. He was a policatel and spiritual leader in india and play ed a key role in the indian independence movement.Gandhi developed the noval technique of non violent agitation which he called Satyagraha loosely translated as moral domination.
Gandhi Jayanti is a national Holiday in india celebrated on 2nd October . This day is celebrated in the honor of the birthday of the Father of the nation , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , popular known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapuji . International this day celebrated as the international Day of non Violence as Gandhiji was the preacher of the non violence , He is a symbol of peace and truth.
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This app is a collection of the best wishes for the mahatma gandhi jayanti.